Envoy Access Logs

Envoy proxies log access information to their standard output. The access logs can be observed by viewing the Envoy sidecar container’s logs. OSM allows configuring the access log format per pod, namespace, or globally throughout the mesh. Additionally, OSM allows exporting the access logs from one or more pods in the mesh to an OpenTelemetry Collector to receive and process telemetry data in a centralized manner.

Configuring Envoy access log format

Envoy access logs contain information about various attributes of the traffic proxied through Envoy. OSM enables a default set of fields that are logged as a part of Envoy’s access logging capability in JSON format. For e.g, access logs for HTTP traffic may look as follows:


OSM allows configuring the access log format per pod, namespace, or globally throughout the mesh. Additionally, the access log can be configured to be exported to a centralized OpenTelemetry Collector service. OSM leverages its Telemetry API to configure access logging.

The Telemetry API allows configuring access logging at 3 levels of granularity within the mesh, with the most specific configuration superseding less specific ones in case multiple configurations are applicable to an Envoy instance. The scope of the configuration is defined below in the order of specificity.

  1. Per pod(s): Similar to the behavior of the Kubernetes Service selector, the spec.selector field can be set to select the pods in the resource’s namespace the configuration applies to.

  2. Per namespace: Configuration is applied in a namespace without the spec.selector field. All pods in the namespace inherit the configuration.

  3. Global: Configuration is applied without the spec.selector field in the OSM root namespace (osm-system by default).


The access log format is specified using the accessLog.format field. It can either be a textual representation or a JSON string representation of the access log format string. Refer to the Envoy access log documentation to learn more about access log format strings and the command operators that can be used to extract values inserted into the access logs.

To generate an access log of the form {"authority":"httpbin.httpbin:14001","bytes_sent":0,"bytes_received":0} for the httpbin app in the test namespace, the configuration will look like:

apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1
kind: Telemetry
  name: httpbin
  namespace: test
    app: httpbin
    format: '{"authority":"%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%","bytes_received":"%BYTES_RECEIVED%","bytes_sent":"%BYTES_SENT%"}'

To generate an access log of the form [2022-10-19T20:23:53.392Z] authority=httpbin.httpbin:14001 bytes_received=0 bytes_sent=0 for all apps in the test namespace, the configuration will look like:

apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1
kind: Telemetry
  name: test-log
  namespace: test
    format: "[%START_TIME%] authority=%REQ(:AUTHORITY)% bytes_received=%BYTES_RECEIVED% bytes_sent=%BYTES_SENT%\n"

Exporting access logs to an OpenTelemetry Collector

The access logs can be configured to be exported to an OpenTelemetry Collector using the Telemetry and ExtensionService APIs. The Telemetry configuration specifies the pods for which access logs are to be exported and a reference to the OpenTelemetry Collector’s ExtensionService configuration. The ExtensionService configuration specifies information regarding the OpenTelemetry Collector service.

For example, to configure and export access logs for the httpbin app to an OpenTelemetry Collector service with the address otel-collector.otel.svc.cluster.local and port 4317

apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1
kind: Telemetry
  name: httpbin-log
  namespace: httpbin
    app: httpbin

    format: "[%START_TIME%] authority=%REQ(:AUTHORITY)% bytes_received=%BYTES_RECEIVED% bytes_sent=%BYTES_SENT%\n"

        name: otel-collector
        namespace: otel
apiVersion: config.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha2
kind: ExtensionService
  name: otel-collector
  namespace: otel
  host: otel-collector.otel.svc.cluster.local
  port: 4317
  protocol: h2c

Note: OSM currently only supports exporting the logs to the OpenTelemetry Collector over an unencrypted gRPC connection. The protocol field in the ExtensionService must be set to h2c.

The above configuration will produce an access log similar to the below snipper on the Envoy sidecar of the httpbin pod:

[2022-10-20T15:53:13.764Z] authority=httpbin.httpbin:14001 bytes_received=0 bytes_sent=0

Additionally, since an OpenTelemetry configuration is specified, the access log will be exported to the OpenTelemetry Collector service. The access log message will be set in the Body field of the OpenTelemetry log record as seen below in the OpenTelemetry Collector’s logs:

2022-10-20T15:53:14.945Z	info	LogsExporter	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "logging", "#logs": 1}
2022-10-20T15:53:14.948Z	info	ResourceLog #0
Resource SchemaURL:
Resource labels:
     -> log_name: STRING(otel-collector.otel.svc.cluster.local.4317)
     -> zone_name: STRING()
     -> cluster_name: STRING(httpbin.httpbin)
     -> node_name: STRING(fabd4869-ce46-421e-a81b-977ebbc3c9b5)
ScopeLogs #0
ScopeLogs SchemaURL:
LogRecord #0
ObservedTimestamp: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2022-10-20 15:53:13.764598 +0000 UTC
Body: [2022-10-20T15:53:13.764Z] authority=httpbin.httpbin:14001 bytes_received=0 bytes_sent=0

Trace ID:
Span ID:
Flags: 0
	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "logging"}

OSM allows configuring additional attributes as metadata for the access logs exported to the OpenTelemetry Collector. This can be done by setting the spec.accessLogs.openTelemetry.attributes field.

For example, the following configuration will produce the attribute somekey: someValue to be logged as attributes in the OpenTelemetry log record:

apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1
kind: Telemetry
  name: httpbin-log
  namespace: httpbin
    app: httpbin

    format: "[%START_TIME%] authority=%REQ(:AUTHORITY)% bytes_received=%BYTES_RECEIVED% bytes_sent=%BYTES_SENT%\n"

        name: otel-collector
        namespace: otel
        someKey: "someValue"
apiVersion: config.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha2
kind: ExtensionService
  name: otel-collector
  namespace: otel
  host: otel-collector.otel.svc.cluster.local
  port: 4317
  protocol: h2c
2022-10-20T16:00:25.428Z	info	LogsExporter	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "logging", "#logs": 1}
2022-10-20T16:00:25.428Z	info	ResourceLog #0
Resource SchemaURL:
Resource labels:
     -> log_name: STRING(otel-collector.otel.svc.cluster.local.4317)
     -> zone_name: STRING()
     -> cluster_name: STRING(httpbin.httpbin)
     -> node_name: STRING(fabd4869-ce46-421e-a81b-977ebbc3c9b5)
ScopeLogs #0
ScopeLogs SchemaURL:
LogRecord #0
ObservedTimestamp: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2022-10-20 16:00:24.382057 +0000 UTC
Body: [2022-10-20T16:00:24.382Z] authority=httpbin.httpbin:14001 bytes_received=0 bytes_sent=0

     -> someKey: STRING(someValue)
Trace ID:
Span ID:
Flags: 0
	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "logging"}